Hawksbill High School

In 2017, Hawksbill Hope turned its attention to education and started to send Gales Point children to high school. In 2017 we sent 2 children to high school, in 2018, we sent 16, in 2019 and we sent 32 children off to high school in 2019. A high school education in a great leg up for these children and it costs about $300 US per year. The only way that these children can go is with the help of generous donors like you.
All donations of any amount are helpful! Your donation will make
a difference in the life and future of a Gales Point child.
$300 U.S. provides one year of high school

School Supplies:
$10 U.S. provides pens, pencils and notebooks for the year
$20 U.S. provides a backpack
$25 U.S. provides school shoes
$40 US provides school outfits or a uniform

Tutoring at the READ Center:
$5 pays for a tutoring session at the READ Center.
We estimate that we will need 10 hours per student
“I found it very encouraging to see young people from the village and surrounding community volunteering their time and energy to participate in beach clean-up projects as well as patrolling the shores to locate nesting sea turtles.” – Kristin Gogal, Summer 2013

“I found that many of these villagers do not have some of the things we take for granted things so integrated into our lifestyles that we cannot give them up.” -Philip Bui, Summer 2017