Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I instantly decided I would try to go to Belize, even though (as a person who hates beaches and tropical weather) I wouldn’t have wanted to go there in a million years for any reason.
I instantly decided I would try to go to Belize, even though (as a person who hates beaches and tropical weather) I wouldn’t have wanted to go there in a million years for any reason.
It’s the fifth—and probably last—day of the egg-laying process (and I’m still alive!). Thankfully, I was able to take a week-long break after the third day. Each time we start…
It is three o’clock in the morning, and still the turtles are keeping me busy with eggs. Yesterday Dr. Rimkus started the second round of turtles. Meanwhile, those that have…
My 24-hour surveillance of the egg-laying process officially began today at noon. Fifteen plastic boxes sit in a row on the lab benches. Each holds a metal rack and just…
It is the end of May and time for some egg-laying! In preparation for the upcoming busy weeks, I’ve dried a couple bins of sand and rummaged through…